Wearing my Wrangell St Elias National Park T-Shirt, a treasure of my home country, while standing in front of one of the most iconic images of my birth country. Unintentional but accurate amalgam of my two worlds. Oct 2019.
About This Site
Jeevun means life, in Hindi.
A well-lived life is a life in balance, with purpose, and with a story arc that we can look back on with satisfaction. A life that makes you say “yeah, I did that.” Achieving such satisfaction requires that we live life with intention. That we become the architect of our choices and curators of our experiences, choosing what to put in and what to leave out. Hence the subtitle.
Life today is a busy one. There is so much coming at us every day. From the moment we wake up to the moment our head hits the pillow again we tackle the necessities, urgencies, comedies, and annoyances of our nuanced lives. In order to get a sustainable sense of living well, we must make choices of what we will pursue and what we will let go.
Like many other people, I have found that the best way to learn is to be open to a teacher wherever one may appear, try new things, and communicate openly with others. As a physician, teacher, student, family member, and friend, I have loved sharing written thoughts in all arenas of my life.
After many meandering turns the road of life finds me here, trying to connect differently, perhaps to leave a repository of how I saw the beauty of the universe that was afforded me. I must write of the life live because as they in my profession, “if you didn’t document it, you didn’t do it.”
Writing is an exploration; those who love words share a sense of discovering new knowledge, new ideas, and really new worlds. One of my kids’ 2nd grade teacher taught us that writing is a piece of “PIE”. A writer aims to Persuade, Inform, and Entertain. I will attempt to do all three in defense of a well-explored, at times a bit tattered but always cherished, and in sum a balanced life. I am here to share a part of my mind. I hope you enjoy the reads.
Disclaimer: This is a personal blog. All the information contained in this blog is for information or entertainment only. It is general information and not in any way directed at any individual. In reading the blog you accept that the information presented is ‘as is’ and you do not hold the blog or the author responsible for any actions you take based on anything you read here.
If there are ever any affiliate links, there is no claim beyond providing the link to the products being discussed. The reader understand that the blog may receive a commission from the links, and agrees that there is no liability for this blog for the reader’s use of those links, or any other information.
— version 3.0 of my About Page 10/10/20
I can be reached at akash @ jeevun.com. You can also find me on Twitter: @AkashSharmaMD or LinkedIn: AkashSharmaMD