Around the time I started this blog, I had expressed out loud a wish to create a sustainable blog to accommodate my desire to write as an exploration. A friend quipped, “let me know when you figure out how to do that.”
Writing is hard on a good day. On a bad day, if it is not for livelihood it can slink away to hide in a corner, another wish, another desire of how we wish to spend our time, but foiled by circumstance.
After a reasonable start, my writing was sidelined by a writer’s block and circumstance. In the middle of an already busy summer, my mother was diagnosed with Covid. She is almost 80, has stage 5 Parkinson’s and when she was in the unit I thought I would lose her. But luckily my Mom came through with flying colors. I spent some time just soaking in my blessings, visiting with my parents, and tending to many of their needs. At the same time, I was dealing with several other issues, and what usually happens by then is that if you are trying to start something new, it is going to suffer the ‘last in, first out’ fate as soon as life goes into a spin cycle.
So it was with me.
Scratching my way back from the edge of that ravine (abyss might be too strong), I started retooling. As I mentioned in the beginning of this blog, life lived well demands that we live with intention. So it was my intention to evaluate my priorities, make a plan to make the blog live again, and get back into the game.
Here I am.
I write this a day after we had a result in the 2020 Presidential election, a result that was delayed by 4 days on account of the most mail-in votes ever. It has been quite a year, on account of Covid upending our lives, and the presidential election that put many people’s hearts in a vise. There is much to say but that’s for another day.
For now, I just want to post this and get back to the business of keeping the blog going, once again.