Authenticity - When do we have it

“But above all, in order to be, never try to seem.”

― Albert Camus, Notebooks, 1935-1951

If you have engaged social media platforms in the last decade, especially in a professional context, you‘ve almost certainly come across this word, authenticity, as one of the core values espoused by leaders, and writers who cover them.

Even before social media, the notion of authenticity has been studied and discussed because it is a fundamental aspect of our identity.  More recently, from Adam Grant to Jay-Z to Zadie Smith, writers and thought leaders have tried to express who they are, and why it matters.

I have been thinking about it lately too.  Not too long ago, in one of the professional social media groups I belong to, the issue at hand was “can doctors conduct entrepreneurial side businesses in medicine related ventures and retain authenticity?”

The best way to explore the issue is by starting with a definition.  If you love language like I do, you will agree that there is sheer joy in just exploring the meaning of a word.  So, what is authenticity, after all?  From :





1. not false or copied; genuine; real: an authentic antique.

2. having an origin supported by unquestionable evidence; authenticated; verified: 

an authentic document of the Middle Ages; an authentic work of the old master.

3. representing one’s true nature or beliefs; true to oneself or to the person identified: 

a story told in the authentic voice of a Midwestern farmer; a senator’s speech that sounded authentic.

4. entitled to acceptance or belief because of agreement with known facts or experience; reliable; trustworthy: 

an authentic report on poverty in Africa.

5. Law

executed with all due formalities: 

an authentic deed.

6. Music

(of a church mode) having a range extending from the final to the octave above. Compare plagal.

(of a cadence) consisting of a dominant harmony followed by a tonic.

7. Obsoleteauthoritative.


For the purpose of our discussion, I am cherry picking a bit, focusing on the first meaning provided: not false or copied; genuine; real.  One of the most joyful parts of writing is that when you start to put thoughts into words, like a wild vine they start to send out offshoots in unpredictable ways.  But I am going to contain that for now, for the sake of a simpler discussion.

When it comes to our actions, authenticity is a two-sided phenomenon.  

Firstly, only we can know our truest desires and values so only we can attest to the inward pointing aspect of authenticity.  All of us have some ongoing sense of what matters to us so we can judge the actions that we take as being aligned with our core values or not.  Still, from self-imposed pressures and competing priorities, familial and professional expectations, all the way to societal norms, we can find ourselves pursuing actions in personal, professional, or financial arenas that when examined are in fact not aligned with our core values.  This disconnect is at the core of our personal conflict.

So internal authenticity means to be congruent between our values and our actions.

Secondly, the people around us come to expect us to behave in a certain way, usually based on our consistent past behavior.  Thus, it is a matter of how we want to be seen and then show who we are to the world.  When we put forth a particular image of ourselves but our actions are not aligned, it is quite obvious to those around us.  This lack of consistency comes across as lack of honesty or lack of clarity.

So external authenticity means projecting ourselves in a way that our actions can be consistent thereafter.

What is important to recognize is that the internal and external views of authenticity are not different, per se, but a continuum.  We have to stay true to our values for ourselves and share the same with others.  And the second part, and this is harder, we have to strive to present ourself in a way that does not compromise our values in the first place, especially when being seen by the people in our lives .  

Before we end, let's also focus some attention to the last definition provided above.  Authenticity is, in some sense, related to an authoritative stance.  Based on the internal/external view, and the last definition another way to think about this is...

authenticity = authority + integrity

In our lives, especially our professional lives where second chances may be less easy to come by than our personal lives, we want people to acknowledge our authenticity.  At the same time no one can be a bigger cheerleader for our core values than us.  When our demonstration of our authority in any arena is in integrity with our values, our internal and external views become as one, and we can both experience and display authenticity.

Accelerations and celebrations

I am taking a Physician wellness CME course and my coach, Dr. Amelia Bueche, brought up the idea of how we can celebrate our successes or forward movement. The group discussion got me thinking about my recent progress, about how once we commit ourselves to something, our speed toward the destination becomes steady.

So today’s post is dedicated to defying gravity and taking off, for the moon. The photo is from my India trip from Oct 2019, celebrating Diwali a year ago, setting off fireworks on the street in front of my aunt and uncle’s home.

Adventure For Defying Gravity

Poem by Tulsi Shrestha

Adventure for defying gravity

When your solid substance

Transforms into perpetual identity.

You will be lighter than photon

Then, you retain ability

To defy gravity.

Indeed, a body

Free of ego

Lighter enough

To violate

Law of gravity.

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more...

Around the time I started this blog, I had expressed out loud a wish to create a sustainable blog to accommodate my desire to write as an exploration. A friend quipped, “let me know when you figure out how to do that.”

Writing is hard on a good day. On a bad day, if it is not for livelihood it can slink away to hide in a corner, another wish, another desire of how we wish to spend our time, but foiled by circumstance.

After a reasonable start, my writing was sidelined by a writer’s block and circumstance. In the middle of an already busy summer, my mother was diagnosed with Covid. She is almost 80, has stage 5 Parkinson’s and when she was in the unit I thought I would lose her. But luckily my Mom came through with flying colors. I spent some time just soaking in my blessings, visiting with my parents, and tending to many of their needs. At the same time, I was dealing with several other issues, and what usually happens by then is that if you are trying to start something new, it is going to suffer the ‘last in, first out’ fate as soon as life goes into a spin cycle.

So it was with me.

Scratching my way back from the edge of that ravine (abyss might be too strong), I started retooling. As I mentioned in the beginning of this blog, life lived well demands that we live with intention. So it was my intention to evaluate my priorities, make a plan to make the blog live again, and get back into the game.

Here I am.

I write this a day after we had a result in the 2020 Presidential election, a result that was delayed by 4 days on account of the most mail-in votes ever. It has been quite a year, on account of Covid upending our lives, and the presidential election that put many people’s hearts in a vise. There is much to say but that’s for another day.

For now, I just want to post this and get back to the business of keeping the blog going, once again.

CAL DIGIT TS3+ - The Ultimate Swiss Army tool of connectivity!

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The TS3 Plus is the ideal solution for Thunderbolt™ 3 Mac & PC users who need to connect multiple devices to their laptops such as SD Card Readers, USB hard drives, dual monitors, digital audio devices, Thunderbolt™ 3 components, and more.

I was looking for a way to connect the same external devices to my old iMac and my new MacBook Pro.  Enter TS3+.  It’s not too big so it will travel overnight though I don’t think it’s something you take to work everyday.  A definitive connectivity and charging solution.

On Titles and such

Where did the subtitle for this blog come from? From me, of course. (Or as my Billie Eilish obsessed child would say… duh). In nuclear medicine, we introduce a small amount of radioactive material into the body (by injection or ingestion usually) and as it both distributes in the body and follows the laws of physical decay, there are photons being produced and emitted from the body in the form of energy particles called photons. The nuclear medicine imaging equipment is essentially a camera, which is equipped with a uniform grid shaped structure called a collimator. This part of the camera basically helps eliminate the erratic photons, and only allows those that are traveling in a straight line from origin to the camera surface.

This process of “focusing” the energy from the physical decay of radioactivity, used to make an image of the body parts of interest, is also called collimation. A more generic meaning of ‘collimation’ is to adjust accurately the line of sight of (a telescope). To make the image sharper.

This blog is meant to do that, to share with you my effort at collimation to bring into focus what matters and to eliminate what is not on target.

So it goes.